JobPLUS offers a range of services to meet your job search needs:
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Frequently Asked Questions
What makes JobPLUS unique from other BGS employment services?
JobPLUS is specifically designed to address the employment needs of participants who are 18+ years of age. This includes a focus on identifying Transferable Skills and reviewing career priorities based on the stage of your career. Participants will have access to AI Career Based Tools such as Resume Creators, Interview Practice and Coaching, and an immersive Virtual Reality career exploration in over 30 careers
Can I participate in JobPLUS if I’m looking for part-time employment or considering self-employment?
To be eligible for JobPLUS, you must be seeking full-time (>30 hrs./week) employment.
How long is the JobPLUS program?
The goal of JobPLUS is to assist you to obtain employment within 16 weeks.
What types of jobs do you help people find?
There is no limit to the types of jobs that we assist our participants with finding. The only consideration is that the job must be realistic for current labour market requirements/ conditions.
Do you assist clients with obtaining tickets/certifications?
YES. If a specific ticket/ certification is required by employer or industry expectations, JobPLUS can potentially arrange for/ reimburse the training/ certification.
Do I have to attend every day? For how long?
A successful job search requires a full-time commitment. The expectation is that you are participating in JobPLUS full-time. This includes on-site (Workshops, Job Club) and off-site (Interviews, Networking events) job search activities.
How is it you can find me a job when I cannot find one on my own?
Unemployment can be one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. Job Search can be difficult and challenging. Too often, people get discouraged and lose hope in their ability to be successful at reconnecting with employment.
The JobPLUS team will show you that you are not alone in your situation and even though you think you may have exhausted all of your employment leads, there are always other opportunities to be identified. We will also use our employer network to identify opportunities that could match your skills and employment goals.
The JobPLUS team will coach you through your job search challenges. They will provide encouragement when you need it and will work to keep you focused on putting in the required work for Job Search Success!
Will I be cut off my EI if I attend? Do I have to report my participation to EI?
No you will not be affected. JobPLUS is not considered training as you are actively seeking and available for employment.
Are your services complete once I gain employment?
No. We offer ongoing support and assistance for 3 months after you gain employment. This assistance can include coaching on any work-site/ personal concerns you may have and can looking for additional employment opportunities if the initial employment ends.
How do I get started?
Contact JobPLUS today and we will begin working on your personalized strategy to start your journey towards Employment SUCCESS!
✓ Call us at 780-244-7755
✓ Email us at [email protected]
✓ Send us a direct message via facebook @BGSCareerVentures
“The Province of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada
to provide employment support programs and services.”